Sunday, January 16, 2022


 Ita Fitriana

Program Doktor (S-3) Ilmu Linguistik Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Udayana


The study entitled “Analysis of Conversation Implicature and Conventional Implicature is a discourse analysis dialog. In daily conversation, people used to implicatures. The discourse of daily implicatures contains special messages or implied meanings contained. This happens because in each other often happen a miss communication. In other words, lack of awareness of implicatures contained in daily life. The problem studied in this research is how the picture implicatures discourse of daily conversation. In answer to the problem of this research using a descriptive method that describes and reveals facts. The finding of this study in particular can be used as a means for the public understanding of the language daily conversation containing implicatures.

Keywords: conversation, implicatures, conventional. 


Acting the Intangible: Hints of Politeness in Non-Verbal Form

 Authors:  Jumanto Jumanto ,Sarif Rizal , Raden Nugroho    


This review paper has explored politeness in non-verbal form to come to
hints for indicating the ideology. Politeness in non-verbal form is
researched by reviewing verbal politeness theories through interpretive
techniques, and then the data in form of interpreted hints based on the
reviews are analyzed by employing a coding technique. The six non-verbal
hints of politeness found out based on the theoretical reviews are
silence for politeness, gestures for politeness, gifts for politeness,
observance of norms, rules, and regulations for politeness, adjusted
behavior for politeness, and performance for politeness. The hints
expectedly provide a sufficient account for non-verbal politeness in
interactions or communication between a speaker and a hearer. The
findings also encourage promoting harmony among speakers of languages in
non-verbal interactions or communication, especially in formal
situations or in the general public. The hints are hopefully also worth
considering in the context of English language teaching and learning
across languages and cultures in the world.


On Speech Acts by I Dewa Putu Wijana


I Dewa Putu Wijana

Universitas Gadjah Mada


This paper is intended to give insights to the readers about the development of speech act theories which include categories, characteristics, validities, and strategies. The research begins with the classification of speech acts done by some experts and continues with the description of characteristics and validities carried out especially by Austin and Searle, and ends with speech act strategies developed by Parker and Riley, using examples taken from Indonesian, Javanese, Balinese, and English, four languages that the writer masters relatively well. Most Indonesian, Balinese, and Javanese data together with their context are created intuitively as a native or nearly-native speaker while some English utterances are created and the others extracted from pragmatic textbooks used as references in this study. Research findings show that there are various types of speech acts, and each speech act has its own validity conditions. Among them, illocutionary acts constitute the focal point of pragmatics’ studies. The description shows that every expert of pragmatics uses different categories in classifying illocutionary acts, and the kinds of strategies used to express them.

Pragmatics is a Matter of Probabilities in Language Use

Jumanto Jumanto PhD in Linguistics (Pragmatics), Universitas Indonesia, 2006. Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang.

Linguistics is deterministic within more of etic perspectives. Pragmatics is probabilistic within more of emic perspectives, researching how politeness happens (harmony/FSA-FTA management); how impoliteness happens (disharmony/face-threat/agression); or how im/politeness does not happen, as meaning interaction is sociopragmatically allowable or strategic or politic (interaction-based face-threat). Language use is indeed a matter of probabilities (Jumanto, 2014; 2017; Leech, 1983). In most recent development of pragmatics, the so-called emic perspectives may be elaborated into the so-called emic-concepts and emic practices (Haugh, 2011).

Salam Pragmatik!

Periodisasi Perkembangan Studi Pragmatik

Norwanto,Ph D
IAIN Salatiga

Saya ingin berbagi mengenai Periodisasi perkembangan studi pragmatik. Ibu/bapak mungkin sudah paham betul tentang periodisasi ini, jadi ini hanya penyegaran saja.
Secara umum ada empat periode dalam pragmatik:
(1) teori klasik (mis. speech acts, cooperative principles, dsb.),
(2) first-wave politeness approaches (mis. Leech’s politeness principles, Brown & Levinson’s Politeness Strategies, Lakoff, dsb),
(3) Second-wave politeness approaches (atau discursive approaches atau post-modern approach),
(4) dan third-wave politeness theories. Culpeper yang membagi periodisasi studi pragmatik di awal tahun 2000 ke dalam first and second-wave politeness studies.
Mills mengkritik kelompok first wave dan menawarkan discursive approach.
Marina Terkourafi mengkritik kelompok first dan second-waves dan menawarkan frame analysis untuk memahami ‘norms’.
First wave mengedepankan analisis makro berbasis prinsip atau aturan, atau maksim yang berbasis pada speech acts dan cooperative principles.