Sunday, December 25, 2022

Vol 4, No 2 (2022) Journal of Pragmatics Research

Vol 4, No 2 (2022) Journal of Pragmatics Research

Table of Contents

A Pragmatic Analysis of Responses in Malaysian Parliamentary Discourse
DOI : 10.18326/jopr.v4i2.92-106
Najah Zainal Abidin, Jariah Mohd Jan
This article has been read 418 times.

Students' Politeness to Lecturers in WhatsApp Application Measured Using Leech Maxim
DOI : 10.18326/jopr.v4i2.107-121
Netty Nurdiyani, Sasongko Sasongko


Dr. Ita Fitriana

Universitas Jendral Soedirman Purwokerto


The study entitled "Analysis of Conversation Implicature and Conventional Implicature is a discourse analysis of dialog. In daily conversation, people are used to an implicature. The discourse of daily implicatures contains particular messages or implied meanings. This happens because each other often happens a miscommunication. In other words, the lack of awareness of implicatures in daily life. The problem studied in this research is how the picture implicatures discourse of everyday conversation. To answer this research problem, use the descriptive method that describes and reveals facts. The finding of this study, in particular, can be used as a means for the public understanding of the language's daily conversation containing implicatures.

Keywords: conversation, implicatures, conventional.

1. Background

Communication is one aspect that is very important for human life in maintaining life. Human life cannot be separated from communication activities because humans are social creatures who need other people to sustain their lives. Relationships between humans are created through communication, be it verbal communication which is usually related to language, or nonverbal, which is usually related to symbols, images, or other communication media. In addition to sustaining life, communication also plays an essential role in maintaining relationships and gaining happiness. Aristotle explained that social creatures are zoon politicon, which means that humans are naturally living in society and interacting with each other. As social beings, humans need other humans to survive and are required to work together. In the process of interaction between humans, communication is created. Understanding communication means understanding what happens during communication and why it happens.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Guru Besar Linguistik Udinus Terpiilih Jadi Presiden Inapra 2022-2027

 SEMARANG, - Guru Besar bidang linguistik, Prof. Dr. Drs. Jumanto, M.Pd., terpilih sebagai Presiden Indonesian Pragmatics Association (Inapra) periode 2022-2027.

Rencana jangka pendek hingga jangka panjang sudah dipersiapkan dengan cukup matang oleh Guru Besar Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Semarang itu.

Pelantikan Presiden Asosiasi Keilmuan Pragmatik Indonesia dilaksanakan saat ‘Rembug Nasional Daring Indonesian Pragmatics Discussion Forum’, pada Rabu 13 Juli 2022.
Kegiatan yang disiarkan langsung oleh TVKU itu diikuti seluruh pengurus dan anggota Inapra.

Kepengurusan Inapra Terbentuk, Prof Jumanto Jadi Presiden Pertama, Ini Visi-misinya

 SEMARANG (Sigi Jateng) – Kepengurusan perdana Indonesian Pragmatics Association (Inapra) masa khidmat periode 2022-2027 telah resmi dilantik dengan Guru Besar bidang linguistik Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (UDINUS) Prof. Dr. Drs. Jumanto, M.Pd., terpilih sebagai Presiden.

Prof Jumanto sendiri terpilih sebagai presiden Inapra pada 13 Juli lalu saat ‘Rembug Nasional Daring Indonesian Pragmatics Discussion Forum’.

Pada pelantikan yang dilakukan pada Selasa (2/8/2022) ini, Prof Jumanto memaparkan rencana jangka pendek hingga jangka panjang. Prof. Jumanto menanggapi bahwa dilantiknya menjadi presiden perdana merupakan sebuah tanggung jawab yang cukup besar.

“Memulai sesuatu yang baru bukanlah hal yang gampang,” ungkapnya.