Current Issue of Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication
The peer-reviewed Indonesian or National Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication (JOLCC) publishes high-quality original research focusing on publishing articles that contribute to the ongoing discussion in all areas of the study of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication. The author may submit manuscript in English or in Bahasa Indonesia.
Published: 2023-06-24
Subtitling Strategies Used in Translating Cultural Words in The Subtitle of Disney Animation Movie: Coco
Monika Rosalia Subrata, Jumanto Jumanto
1-25 PDF
A Study of Abrar-ul- Haq's Punjabi Bhangra Songs in Pragmatics
Muhammad Ali Shahid , Anser Mahmood, Syeda Iqra Shabbir, Habib Ullah Habib
26-43 PDF
Politeness in Roasting: When Humour Meets Power
Yusuf Al Arief
67-78 PDF
Speech Acts in Learning Indonesian Language
Mochamad Noor Hidayat
44-66 PDF
Cultural and Communication Approaches in the Design of Visual Communication Design Works
Sigied Himawan Yudhanto, Faizal Risdianto, Aphief Tri Artanto
79-90 PDF