Monday, June 3, 2024

ERIC topics of Pragmatics Selection

'ERIC - Search Results (

Predicting Written Language Competence and Pragmatics in Students at Risk of Reading Disability in Oman Using Teacher Report Data
Peer reviewed
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Fatma Alkaf; Mahmoud Mohamed Emam; Rashid Almehrizi; Ali-Mahdi Kazem; Gary A. Troia; Muna Al-Bulushi – Communication Disorders Quarterly, 2024
This study investigated whether teachers' observations of pragmatic language competence predict literacy skills (and the reverse) in students referred for reading disabilities in Oman. A sample of 574 at-risk children between 7 and 12 years old participated. Teachers rated students' pragmatic language, reading, and written expression. Results…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Written Language, Language Skills, Pragmatics
Pragmatic Skills in Late Adulthood

Monday, April 29, 2024

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Refusal Politeness within Anime: How the Japanese Youngsters Learn to Refuse


Document Type : Original Article


1 Universitas Bung Hatta, Indonesia

2 Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Indonesia


The manners or social conduct of refusal is an invaluable part of Japanese culture that youngsters can learn by observing anime. The present research aimed to elaborate on how Japanese anime might provide insights for youngsters to learn polite refusal strategies. This research relied heavily on dialogue transcripts from the anime Kaguya-SamaLove is War as the data source. The methods for collecting data in this research included simple and complex recording, participant observation, and active engagement. Data analysis was done through thorough observation and auto-expert judgments. The research findings showed that there were two types of refusal speech-act strategies: direct speech acts and indirect speech acts. The direct speech-act politeness strategies employed direct non-performative verbs within refusal speech acts, while the indirect speech-act politeness strategies consisted of refusal speech acts through presenting reasons, refusal speech acts with a statement of principles, refusal speech acts with a statement of apology, and refusal speech acts with a way of evasion.


Sunday, April 7, 2024

List 3 jurnal Indonesia bidang ilmu Pragmatics

 List 3 jurnal Indonesia bidang ilmu Pragmatics

1. Journal of Pragmatics and Discourse Research, SINTA 3

2. Journal of Pragmatics Research, SINTA 4,

3. Journal of Language and Pragmatics Studies (JLPS), Non-SINTA: